
Synonyms of the Old Testament is unavailable, but you can change that!

This standard work on the Hebrew synonyms of the Old Testament is unique in its field and has served as a handbook for theological students for more than a century. The studies are topical in nature, dealing with the leading topics of religious thought. By means of the Septuagint, the author explains the relation of corresponding words used in the New Testament. The Scripture is at all times...

THE Bible is pre-eminently occupied in setting forth the gracious feelings with which God regards the children of men; it depicts them not in the abstract, but as manifested in action. It also teaches that those who have tasted of God’s grace and love and mercy are bound to exercise the same dispositions towards their fellow-men. They thus become in reality children of God, and are conformed to the nature of Him from whom their new life is drawn. Grace is the
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